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v1.2.3 deployed to 0x0000000000002259DC557B2D35A3Bbbf3A70eB75.

Nani Account is an implementation of the Solady ERC4337 reference (itself optimizing the Simple Account designed by the Ethereum Foundation). It therefore stands as a robust foundation to build upon and achieve effective account abstraction with minimal overhead.

  • The additions include the following, but everything else is otherwise the same:

  • Validator plugins support via ERC7582 nonce-key encoding and forwarded userOp validation

  • Signature plugin support via a stored signature plugin space

  • EIP712 signature support to allow full visibility into userOP signatures

  • Time-span validation which gives users control over when ops happen

  • Upgradeability through the ERC1967 and ERC1822 (UUPS) standards

Altogether these changes work to allows Nani accounts to install apps and modules to enhance user experience and allow discrete control, such as giving agents discretion to spend certain balances, or to add other owners.


The Account codebase is built on well-tested Solady code and the Nani implementation has received an independent security audit. Findings and recommendations have been implemented. Releases can be tracked here and new upgrades are offered and sponsored through the application. We take user security seriously. If you have any findings you can report them to